Tips For Resellers to Deliver Topnotch Customer Service
With all of the day-to-day tasks and strategic planning resellers contend with — sales, marketing, HR, finances and more — technology can help a small operation provide a level of customer service and marketing automation that buyers are accustomed to receiving from large companies and enterprises. Your reseller company can help your clients step up their game with more targeted marketing and partially automated customer service. From a website that boasts amazing UX and online stores that make purchasing and filling orders a breeze, to email campaigns that are more likely to convert – your technology offerings can help put your clients’ businesses on top of their game. Use technology to respond quickly The squeaky wheel gets the grease, and just like your clients contact you in a time of need and discontent, so do theirs. When the fire is already lit under a client or potential client, a slow response to address these issues can lead to poor brand perception, irate customers and loss ...